Monday, June 29, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

The past month or so I have recommitted myself to menu planning. I really hate when 4:30 rolls around and I realize Josef will be home and I have no idea what to make for dinner. So I race over to the grocery store and wander around until I figure it out, race home, try to throw something together with Sofia whining at my legs, and attempt to get it all done before Josef gets home (which usually never happens). So I decided to get myself organized and do a little planning each week, so there is never the question "What's for dinner". While I was blog hopping I discovered OrgJunkie which hosts a weekly Menu linkup. She also has an awesome menu planning template that I use every Saturday to plan dinners for the week. You can go here to download it along with a grocery list template. Now that I've got the hang of Menu Planning, which also saves me a lot of money, I decided to join in Menu Plan Monday. So here is our dinner menu for this week starting with Sunday (yesterday).

Sunday: Creamy Crockpot Chicken with tossed salad.
Monday: Leftovers
Tuesday: Foil-pack Chicken Fajita Dinner
Wednesday: Roasted Pork Loin and Vegys (having the missionaries for dinner)
Thursday: Pulled Pork Sandwiches using leftover roast (its really big!) with tossed salad
Friday: Eat Out
Saturday: Not sure what we're doing for the 4th, but I'm NOT cooking :)

Check out for more menu plans and recipes!

Side Note: If anybody would like the Creamy Crockpot Chicken recipe, let me know and I'll post it from our ward cook book. It's so yummy and really easy. I love my crockpot by the way, I use it atleast once a week if not more!


Rachel said...

That all sounds delicious, looks like a good week to be eating in your house! You should check out springpad's weekly meal planner, it's a great way to organize all of your menus and recipes (like this one, yum! and I think you'd really like it.

rachel @ springpad

Amanda said...

I would love the recipe for the chicken!

Amy said...

thats a great idea. I used to do that when we first lived here.