Friday, March 27, 2009

Just So You Know...

...I haven't dropped of the face of the earth. Life has just been a little boring and I've been a little lazy. I guess I just haven't felt like anything has been that blog worthy. So here are some things that have been going on in the Lucas household.

  • Sofia officially became a walker on March 15th 2009 and the more time she spends with her friends that walk the better she becomes.
  • I've started my very own swimsuit challenge. I really want a new swimsuit this summer so Josef challenged me to earn a new swimsuit by getting in shape so I will really look good. I've been working out more and more and, the more I do it the more I like it. I usually do three different things for a total 35 minutes (i.e. treadmill, stair master, bike, or row machine) and I bring a fun magazine to read to help kill the time. Next week I'm going to try out the free child care at my gym and maybe a class or two.
  • Josef and I feel so incredibly blessed that his job is stable and even growing. Granted we are not rich but when I think about all the people with out jobs and struggling financially, I get down on my knees every night and thank Heavenly Father that we are so blessed.
  • We are finally filling our front flower beds and we are almost done. We will hopefully finish tomorrow and I will take pics and do a post.
  • My friend Carly and I have started swapping two-hour play-dates each week that way we each get some free time during the week. Its been wonderful! I've been able to do things like shop, go to lunch with Josef, get my hair cut, work out, and shower in peace. I highly recommend every one finding a friend to do something like this!
See how boring life has been. Actually I prefer it that way because it seems that if my life isn't boring then its really hard. So I've learned to accept and embrace the quiet moments of my life.


Carly said...

I completely agree with your last bullet point--EVERYONE needs to find a friend to swap with! I am so grateful for you and Sofia!

AudreyEricksen said...

I think this post is quite blog-worthy! Thanks for the update :)