Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Picky Little Eater

Sofia has been an extremely pick eater since she was three weeks old. Feeding since then has been at times excruciatingly hard! I thought things would change when I stopped nursing....nope! I thought things would change when I introduced baby food ....nope (she hates the stuff!) I thought things would change when she started table foods....NOPE!! I've finally accepted that my daughter is a P-I-C-K-Y eater! But accepting that fact doesn't make the dull (sometimes sharp) gnawing wonder of whether she's getting enough calories every day go away.

So today I turned to my favorite resource of information....the internet. I came across Feeding Infants and Toddlers on, and found the article 17 Tips for Pleasing the Picky Eater. I thought it had such awesome ideas that I wanted to share it with all of my mommy readers. Even if your children aren't picky I definitely recommend reading it because it covers some great things like serving sizes and making every calorie count. My favorite tip is to make a baby smorgasbord by putting a variety of little finger foods in an ice tray or something with different compartments! What an ingenious idea (ok maybe not but I think it is)!!

Have a great day and happy eating!


Amy said...

I am so happy that you and Tina are going thru all these things first and can help me if I need it! Not happy though that you have to go thru all the rough stuff with Sofia and her eating. I love that pic of her, so cute!

Scott Blog said...

Those are article are so great! I guess I would consider Ayden a mildly picky eater now, but I am finding things for her to eat. She used to eat meat all the time and now I can't really get her to eat any kind of meat. I read an article that had alternatives for protein besides meat, but alot of it was cheese. Hopefully this article will have some suggestions for protein!!