Wednesday, April 1, 2009

When it Rains it Pours and Tender Mercies

I am so ready for this week to be over and its only Wednesday. Its been a hard week in the Lucas household. Sofia's cutting three teeth, two of which are molars 3 and 4. I thought teething was hard before, but she has some how found a new level of crankiness never before achieved. From the moment she wakes up to the moment I lay her in bed, I'm counting down the minutes until she's asleep.

Monday Josef arrived home from work to find both us girls in tears. Just moments before, Sofia and I were in the office checking a recipe online. Sofia crawled under the desk and then a second later I hear a piercing cry coming from my baby. I looked under the desk to find her clutching the computer cord that was half-way out of the socket. She shocked herself. Poor Sofia was crying bloody-murder for about 60 seconds but then quickly calmed down. It took me, however, a little longer to get a grip. I just balled. It was a bad ending to a bad day. I felt horrible that I didn't prevent it. Josef swooped in during by blubber session, scooped Sofia out of my arms, and sent me out the door to the gym. I love my husband!

Now Sofia is sick with a yucky cold and is even more clingy and cranky. I didn't think that was possible. This morning I put her in bed for her nap early because she was so tired. I crawled back in bed too and then 40 minutes later she woke up! AAAAAAWWWW (frustrated scream)! I just laid in my bed listening to her on the monitor willing myself to get out of bed. For some reason I just said a short prayer that she would go back to sleep and mercifully she did!! She repeated the same thing for her afternoon nap too!

I know this may seem small and miniscule but for me its these small tender mercies from the Lord that remind me how much He loves me and make me stronger. Trials and bad weeks are like storms. They are wet, miserable, dark, and intense at times. Then the clouds part, even if only for the briefest second, and we are reminded that the Son is still there!

Have a great week!


Christi said...

Oh, Jenny. I'm so sorry! At times like these Ryan likes to remind me that sometimes it's ok to put them in their crib and walk away. Sometimes I just have to let one or the other cry for a few minutes so I can calm down before going back. I hope those teeth come quickly and she gets better soon!

Jess said...

I totally understand the frustrations of a cranky/whiny baby. My suggestion, take it or leave it, is to stop using a monitor...then you won't hear her screaming as much. You are a good mom, Jenny! Give yourself the credit you deserve and keep looking for those clouds to part. I miss ya:)

Scott Blog said...

I know how those weeks go! I'm sorry it has been a really rough week for you! It's great to have a husband who will let you have a break when you need it! I think every mom will agree that having a baby fall back asleep after having woke up early is a huge blessing :) Hope your week only gets better from here on out! If you need any help, I'm only a short drive away!

Amy said...

Well that sounds like its rough, I am glad it's friday for ya!

AudreyEricksen said...

Oh, I feel bad! It's horrible when they're sick, you can't get anything done! Sometimes your expectatations for the day are lowered to new lows! Good luck.