Monday, February 2, 2009


We did our taxes last night and I still can't believe the HUGE amount of money we are getting back. Over the past few weeks Josef and I have discussed what to do with our tax refund. Some of the things that we have considered have ranged from a flat screen TV and a Wii to all new floors and fixtures in our house. But yesterday Josef had a lesson in Elders Quorum that was very sobering for us and helped us to re-focus our financial plans. We realize that when disaster strikes or if Josef loses his job, hardwood floors can't sustain our appetites and we can't use a LCD TV to pay our mortgage. I have been letting myself get caught up in the the need for things, nice new shiny things. However, today marks a new day for our family; today we reprioritize. We are finally heading the Prophets' earnest counsel to Be Prepared! How about you?


Amy said...

yeah we are getting almost all our tax money back but we're using it to pay off Preston's bike. It would be nice to get things we want, but it's more important to prepare for the future!

Carly said...

We are doing the same thing with our refund. It is hard to do though when there are so many things on the wish list, but it will feel so good!

Check this out, by the way:
This is a friend of a friend who is posting a weekly food storage assignment! One assignment a week--that seems doable. She just started it last week so you could get caught up.

Jess said...

Good for you guys! It is hard, but so worth it:) Happy belated to Josef and little Sofia. Our "babies" aren't little any more, it seems. Take care!

CLAY and ERICA said...

Thats very wise and good to hear. You will be blessed in more ways if you make decisions like this. I miss getting tax returns, but maybe soon enough if we move back to the states sometime.

Paige and Family said...

Being responsible totally sucks!!