Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Cyclical Life

A lesson that having a child has taught me is that life tends to be cyclical. Just when you feel like you have broken free of the cycle, things fall back into place and you find yourself sitting on the same roller coaster you've been trying so hard to get off! Such is life, right? I just need to accept the lemons that life has handed me, make my tasty lemonade and move on. The only problem is I hate lemonade and would rather have the refreshing OJ everyone else seems to be enjoying!

This has been a long hard week so far (it's only Thursday) and I'm left feeling completely drained emotionally as well as physically. I had originally started to vent all of my frustrations and woes in this post, but I deleted all that. Now I'm trying to force myself to focus on the tiny light on the horizon and draw strength from it.

So what do you do to pull yourself through those hard weeks?


Scott Blog said...

I'm right there with you Jenny! This week has been tough for me too and on top of that we are sick again. I always find that I do better when I talk out my frustrations with Jeremy. I also find ways for quiet. Reading also helps me forget about the stuff that's going on. Hope the roller coaster stops soon!

Christi said...

I call my mom!
I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't going well. I hope they get better soon. Please give me a call ANYTIME you need to talk.
Love you and miss you!

Christi said...
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Jess said...

Jenny--what ever is the matter? We all have our bad days, weeks, and sometimes even months. For me, one thing that totally helps is good 'ol EXERCISE. It gives me a break from life, makes me feel good about myself, and gets those endorphins going. Other than that, prayer and scripture reading, and of course talking to Kirk or friends and family helps me. You can call me ANYTIME as well. Hope things start looking up soon. BTW, happy birthday to sweet little sofia. Can you believe it? Time has sure flown!

Amy said...

If I have a bad week I go out get my favorite snack - at this point it would be a strawberry fruit slush from Sonic - then I find some me only time at whatever store I feel like going to and browse the isle...sometimes I even buy something! Hope your weekend improves upon the week!