Sunday, February 8, 2009

14 Days of Valentines

This year for Valentine's Day Josef and I decided to do something special to rekindle some romance in our marriage. I came up with the idea of having 14 Days of Valentines. Each day for two weeks (starting Feb. 1st) we try to do something romantic or thoughtful for each other. We have a small budget for days 1 - 13, that way we have to be a little more creative. Then on Valentine's Day we will give each other a "big" gift. So far we are doing pretty good. Though last week each of us (Josef, Sofia, and I) took turns being sick with the stomach flu. Besides that we have done some sweet things for each other. For instance, Josef left me chocolate kisses and a little note in the mail box, and I drove to Josef's work and left him a candy bar taped to a paper heart in his car.

It's been fun thinking more romantically and trying to surprise Josef. I'm really excited for some surprises I have in store for him this week. I'm hoping that the effort and thought we've been making these two week will rub off on us and that we will do things like this for each other "just because"!


Amy said...

oh I'm jealous I want to do that! lol...I'm glad you guys are having fun doing it! Have fun this week! PS- Did you get the invite to my blog since I've been private? Just wondering cuz usually you've commented a couple times but at this point in the day I can't remember if you have or not since I just woke up from a nap. ha ha

Carly said...

Love the idea! How fun.

Marissa Bassham said...

good idea!

Scott Blog said...

Great idea! Sorry you guys had the flu. We had that a while back too. Can't wait to find out what the other surprises are!