Monday, August 11, 2008

Sweet Potatoes

At four months, five months, and six months I attempted to feed Sofia cereal, but she didn't like it. After the first spoonful she would make an awful face like "Mom, what the heck did you just stick in my mouth. This is nasty!!" and then she would refuse to open her mouth for more. So I decided to skip cereal and just start the vegys. I heard from a few moms that the orange vegetables are easiest to digest. So when I was at the grocery store Friday I bought a few jars of sweet potatoes (which were on sale for 41 cents a jar). SUCCESS!!! She loves them! Here you can see for your self.


Amy said...

I'm so disappointed I missed the opening ceremonies. It stinks not having tv.

I love the sweet potato pictures! They are so cute! Yum!

Bethanie Vanbuskirk said...

Careful, too many orange veggies can turn her orange. I have a friend who went on a vacation with her husband and came back to find her son looking a little tan and had a very orange nose. She said he ate a lot of orange vegetables when they were away. Congrats on the first veggie feeding that is exciting.

Scott Blog said...

Yeah! Now Sofia can be orange skinned like Ayden :) She looks alot like Josef in the second picture. That's a great idea with the french bread. I'm going to have to try that for dinner. I think Asher would eat that! I really like the books by the way! I'm already done :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny - Sofia is so adorable!! We miss seeing your family. Keep in touch!!!