Monday, March 10, 2008

Look What I Caught!

You know you're a redneck when you make a baby scale out of a fish scale, a kitty litter pan (don't worry it's new), and wire.

Since Sofia has been having trouble gaining weight we decided we wanted to be able to weigh her at home to make sure she keeps gaining weight. Baby scales are expensive to buy and, the places I've looked, are expensive to rent as well. So Josef went to Wal-mart and bought a fish scale and created this contraption. She was suprisingly content in there!! And we are happy to report that she has gained about 6 more ounces since last Monday to put her at 8 pounds 15 ounces!

This past weekend was really hard, she was really fussy everytime I tried to feed her saturday and sunday. Saturday night she refused to nurse and take a bottle so I ended up giving her some breastmilk with a medicine dropper. To make life more difficult Josef is sick and I won't let him come near Sofia or touch anything she touches, so I've been doing it all on my own since Saturday morning. How exhausting!! I have a new appreciation for single mothers!! Luckily my in-laws brought dinner over last night and my mom spent the night last night so that I could sleep and take a shower. Sofia is nursing a little better today but she still isn't eating as much as I think she should or as much as she wants to. Hopefully we will be able to figure out whats wrong soon!


Ryan, Marissa , Zoe and Cora said...

this is hilarious:)

Amy said...

Jenny that is awesome! Good job to Josef for thinking all that up! He's always been into making stuff like that though. Preston has one of those fish things too, but he bought it to weigh his ruck sack once. Glad to hear she's gaining weight. Probably the only time in her life when she'll want to. even if she doesn't really know better right now! ha ha.

Dani said...

SO FUNNY! cracks me up!