Thursday, March 6, 2008

5 Weeks

Sofia is a month old!! I can't believe it. Time has flown by, but it also seems to drag on some days. She's doing pretty well. We've had to go to several more doctor's appointments then planned because she hasn't been gaining weight very well. We think the reason is because acid reflux and a touch of colic. Last Friday she had a four week appointment and she had only gained 4 ounces in two weeks!! The doctor would have liked to see her gain closer to 14 oz. So over the weekend he had me pump after every feeding and then give that to her at the end of the next. Or if I didn't have enough milk then we would supplement with a little formula. He also gave us a prescription for Zantac for acid reflux. Then on Monday we went back for another weight check and she had gained nearly 5 oz in just three days!! Over the weekend she ate like she had been starving all week. Last week was so stressful with her refusing to eat much, I spent several days in tears, but she is doing so much better. We were supposed to bless her on Sunday, but in light of how she has been doing with weight gain and the fact that I had a terrible migraine on Saturday, we decided to postpone until the 16th of March. This actually turned out to be a good thing because half of our family members were sick last weekend and wouldn't have been able to come.

Besides not gaining weight very quickly Sofia is developing according to her age. She's becoming more and more active during the day and she smiles and talks a ton. Tuesday was a hard day because she was acting a little colicky again and I was tired so I cried for like an hour. When my little breakdown was coming to an end Sofia just looked up at me and flashed a bright beautiful smile at me. It reminded me of why I became a mother. Even though I have felt extremely frustrated, tired, stressed, and have spent lots of time crying these past five weeks, I wouldn't trade those tender quiet moments with her for anything! This is truly what this life is all about!

I've been trying to upload a video of Sofia for a couple days now, but it isn't letting me, so you will just have to settle for a few pictures.

Ok so I have tried to upload pictures as well and it isn't working, so I will post pictures next time.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ahh Jenny I am glad she is doing much better and gaining weight! She'll fit into her blessing dress better too! I can't wait to see the video/pictures! I hope that you get some much needed rest and sleep and things start getting easier for you! It sounds like you're hanging in there though so good job to you! Keep up the good work!