Monday, March 17, 2008

Blessing Day

We blessed Sofia on Sunday! It was such good day (well atleast the first half was, I had a really bad headache for the second half). Most of Josef's family was there (we missed you Amy and Preston) and my parents and cousin Bethanie and her husband were there. Our ward meets at 8:30am so it was incredibly hard to pull myself out of bed after only getting a few hours of sleep. Josef did such a good job on the blessing, it was very inspired. My Dad told me that the spirit was very strong in the circle. After sacrament meeting all our family came over to our apartment for a little brunch courtesy of my mom and mother-in-law. It was fun to have all our family there, but after a while it was a little overwhelming. There are a lot of pictures I wanted to post, so I decided to make an attempt at a slide show.

Now for a Sofia update. Last week was a hard week. Her acid reflux was pretty bad, so we ended up back at the doctor's office on Thursday. They weighed her again and she hadn't gained much. In fact in the days leading up to Thursday I think she actually lost some weight. This concerned the doctor so he switched her medication, to something that is suppossed to almost completely stop the acid pumps in her stomache. I was pretty disapointed when I found out that this medication is supposed to take up to 14 days to show a definte change. She's been on it for four days now and I'm already starting to see a change, I just hope it sticks. I'm tired of thinking I've found a solution only to find out it isn't working anymore. I did alot of research on her condition online and have found some things to do to help with the reflux until the medicine really starts to work. I've started nursing her more frequently, but in smaller amounts so that her stomache doesn't get too full. This is pretty time consuming because she'll want to eat every hour or hour and a half, but if it helps her get the calories she needs then I don't mind so much. I'm looking forward to when I can put her on more of a dependable schedule, but I think it will be a few more weeks before I can do that. We need to get her reflux under control first.

I had my six week postpartum appointment on Thursday and recieved the all clear to start exercising. I'm pretty excited to start getting my body back. I've already lost quite a bit of weight, but I'm still flabby. I've started going on walks with Sofia, my goal is to go everyday except Sunday. Josef's sister and her husband are getting sealed in a month and I'm hoping to be back down to my former weight by then, but I'm not going to stress too much about it. On Saturday Josef, Sofia, and I went to Arbor Hills Nature Preserve for a walk. It was such a beautiful day and pretty scenery. We had fun and Sofia slept almost the whole time. I think we'll make this a family tradition.

Josef was able to get some pictures of Sofia smiling. She smiles all the time now, she's such a happy baby (most of the time).


Amy said...

Ahh Jenny looks like you guys had so much fun! I wish we could have been there, I am glad that it was a spiritual day and Sofia looks so cute! I love the smiley pictures!

Jami said...

Ummm...excuse me! Where was our invitation. Just a reminder that we don't live that far away. Everyone looked so good and it would have been fun to get together. Next time, we'll be expecting an invite. We wish you the best with Sofia's health and hope that she will improve.

David Hansen