Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Week in Review

Well this week has been pretty busy. As you read on my previous blog, Monday we made gingerbread houses with friends from church. We really need to throw out our house, we've pretty much picked off all the good candy. All that's left is the gross candy and cement like frosting.

Tuesday a friend hosted a cookie exchange for the women in my ward. Basically everyone makes 6 dozen of the same cookie to share and then comes home with 6 dozen cookies of all different kinds. I was very proud of myself. Even though my cookies didn't win any prizes, I was just glad that I didn't burn them. I have a very strong history of burning cookies. But this time I was vigilant and determined to bake them just right. The cookies I made are called Snickers Suprise Cookies. I chose this recipe because they are super easy to make. Basically its a cake mix cookie (you just add oil and two eggs) with a mini snickers in the middle. MMMMMMM they were good.

Wednesday night was webelos as usual. If you didn't know Josef and I are the Webelos (10 year old cub scouts) leaders for three wards. Acutally we only have two boys right now. I'm so glad they called both Josef and I to the calling, even though I do all the planning and preparing, because the boys seem to respond so much more to Josef then me. He's the fun one and I'm the "lets get down to business" one. I think we balance eachother out really well.

Thursday night we finally had a night off and just lounged around and watched t.v. We can be really good couch potatoes sometimes, though that's not really anything to be proud of!!!

Friday night was our ward Christmas Party, which was alot of fun. I sang with three other people (it was a quartet) "Oh, Holy Night" and I honestly couldn't tell you how it went. As soon as we started singing, I got really nervous and all that I had practiced in dynamics and expression was gone. All I could concentrate on was how I didn't sound as good as when we practiced. I wasn't really paying attention to how anybody else was singing. I am hyper critical of myself so when people came up afterward and said I had sounded really good, I thought they were all just being polite and I still think that. Oh well, the one part I am happy with is that I hit the dreaded high note. I had been able to hit it ( two G's above middle C) during practice, but it just didn't live up to my unrealistic standards. But when the end of the song came and I was thinking in my head "Don't blow it, don't blow it", the note sounded relatively decent, phew!! Oh well I think we sounded good for having thrown the song together in just two practices. Later that night I won the baby bedding that I wanted from an auction on ebay. It was my first time bidding on anything, so I was super excited that I won. The bedding has never been used, but has been washed. I guess this woman's daughter never slept in her crib. I got the bedding $60 cheaper then at babies r us and anywhere on ebay. I will post pictures of it when I get it sometime next week.

Last night Josef and I babysat for some friends while they went to a work Christmas party. We had fun playing mommy and daddy! The little girl we watched is 13 months and soooo much fun. She's so curious and constantly on the move. I had to have Josef hold her still long enough for me to change her into her PJs. I can't wait to have my little baby girl!!!

We got home late last night. Josef was lucky enough to have fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Me on the other hand, sigh, I only got 2 1/2 hours of sleep last night. I don't know what's wrong with me, but my body would not let me sleep. When we got home from stake conference this morning, I tried to go back to sleep, but my skin just iches so bad I can't rest!! I finally got up after trying desperately for 30 minutes to get comfortable, and just sat and balled. I haven't had a good cry like that in quite a while. Even as I type this, I still find myself scratching various parts of my body, while Josef takes a nice nap, I'm so jealous. All I want is to sleep, but my body just won't let me!!!! I'm sorry I need to end this post, I'm going to start to cry again. Hopefully next time you hear from me, I will be more rested. Finally, I really don't ask this very often but I'm desperate, please pray for me! i don't know how much longer I can go with next to no sleep!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ahh Jenny, that sounds awful! We'll definately pray for you. I'm glad you won the bedding that you wanted! That is always a great feeling when you win something on ebay that you want. It's only happened to me a couple times. I can't wait till little Sofia is here with us too! Then at least the fun times will start for you guys and hopefully you will be more rested, and less itchy! well I hope you are able to get some rest today! We'll see you guys soon!
Love ya,