Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Gingerbread Houses

Last night for family home evening we had some other couples from our ward over and we decorated gingerbread houses. We got these kits from costco that include everything including the frosting. They were nice, made with real gingerbread. We had so much, but man did it get messy!! Josef and I decided that ours was the redneck house of the group. Not so much because it looked redneck, but because neither of us are super crafty and have the pactience to make it look really nice and neat. I guess our house turned ok, just a little messy and not as detailed as the others. Oh well we had tons of fun and felt sick from eating all the candy, and that's all that matters. Here are some pictures from last night.

THE MESS!!!! Powdered sugar and dried frosting everywhere, aaaawww!!! It was really easy to clean up so no worries.

This is Jamie and Ben's house. Jamie's mom is an expert gingerbread house decorator, so their's was pretty awesome!

Here's our house. It really isn't that bad, we just got tired of all the tedious decorating and we ran out of Wheat Thin roofing shingles so we had to finish with Ritz. The parts that Josef did (the tree and the fence) look really nice. Jamie made ponds for everyone I think out of karo syrup, I'm not sure.

There are two more pictures I want to post but its not letting me upload them right now so I will try to get them up tomorrow.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow! Looks like you're getting in some good practice for Christmas this year! Looks good, even if the ritz crackers don't match the wheat thins! :-)