Saturday, November 17, 2007

I've been tagged

I was actually tagged a while ago by Julia, but I haven't done it yet because I don't know what to say. At any rate here it is, enjoy...

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I can't wait for Christmas! I am in such a Christmas mood. It all started when we helped some friends put their tree up on November 1st. At first I thought they were a little crazy, putting up their tree so early, but now I'm iching to put ours up, too. I'm making my self wait until friday, though. I've also been listening to Christmas music for over a week now.

2. I really like to bake, but I've never been very good at baking cookies. I think my problem is that I always over cook them. Josef is acutally a better cookie baker then I am. A bunch of women in my ward are getting together for a cookie exchange in a couple weeks and sadly I'm probably going to have my husband help me. I guess I'm not domestic goddess after all.

3. Going with the "Things I'm Bad At" theme, I can't sew! I've used a sewing machine twice in my life and only one of those times was by myself. The last time, when I was on my own, I was 15 or 16 maybe (so that would be 7 or 8 years ago) and it was a disaster. I will spare you the details, mostly to save my self some embarrassment. However, some day I would like to learn how. I don't know how that will go though because I get frustrated easily when things don't turn out right.

4. My birthday is a week from Monday and I will be 23, yea!! I don't really know what I want so in light of my Christmasy mood I've just been telling people to give me Christmas music for my B-day. And for Christmas all I really want is baby stuff.

5. I'm crossing over into the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. I started my 8th month of pregnancy, so I guess my body is taking that as a que to be difficult when its bed time. I have to watch what I eat so I don't get indigestion, ground beef has become my arch enemy! Also I have to lather myself with lotion every night or my ichy skin will keep me up and of course it only iches at night when I'm trying to go too sleep. Lastly are my restless legs and muscles which feel in constant need of stretching, but of course only when I'm trying to sleep. The worst is when I have all these things at once or one right after the other and its 3 am and I still haven't gone to sleep!

6. We have pretty much decided to name our daughter Sofia Elizabeth Lucas. Josef and I both love the name Sofia and we decided to spell it with an F instead of PH like Josef's name (its the German spelling). Elizabeth is a family name and one of my favorites. We actually had her name narrowed down to Sofia or Elizabeth and everyone we told would remark on what a beautiful name Sofia is!

I'm not going to tag anybody. I know I'm a party pooper, but I think everyone who actually reads my blog has already done this. So I'm sorry I'm breaking the chain!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Well I am sorry that you've got such a hard time these days with being pregnant, but just think you have Christmas and then basically you will be having Sofia! Yeah! I am sorry that I cannot make it to the baby shower. More to come on that, I'll tell you when we're at the mall! Oh yes, and I have not been tagged yet. I've been patiently waiting for someone to tag me but since you've broken the chain I guess all my hopes and wishes will go down the drain! he he.