Sunday, November 11, 2007

Silsby and Mesa

So I have been doing alot in the last week or so. Last weekend Josef and I went with his family down to Silsby, TX for his grandma's 80th birthday. Where the heck is Silsby you may ask yourself. Well its east of Houston about 30 miles. Its actually pretty down there, with lots of tall green trees. The only catch is that there are no zoning laws so you can have a beautiful home right next to a little shack with an old tub full of trash in the yard. As pretty as the greenery is down there I don't think I could ever bring myself to live there, everything is just so far apart.

We arrived in Silsby late friday night ready to stay at the only motel/hotel in Silsby, the Pinewood Inn....Wow this place looks like a prison or some really old, dumpy dorm rooms. The place is run by a crazy 87 year old woman who lost our reservations, wanted to charge us 30 dollars more than we were quoted a week previous, swiped my mother-in-law's credit card three times and charged it twice. The next morning my in-laws made sure that they spoke with someone else besides the senile lady who clearly needed to retire, and got everything straightend out. Needless to say, none of us were too keen on the idea of spending another night at this place, so we found a much nicer place to stay in a neighboring town.

The rest of the weekend was fun getting to know Josef's extended family. We were a little worried about his grandma though, cuz the party was a surprise, and we weren't sure if her heart could take it... not really though. She's in pretty good health. On sunday we went to church in Silsby with family, and the ward probably consists of 75 % eldery people. Looking around during sunday school I pointed out to Josef how it seems that the older a man gets the bigger his ears get. So he has something to look forward to in the coming years, haha!

We got home late sunday evening and then tuesday I left to visit my sister in Mesa, AZ. I was so excited to go because I hadn't met my nephew Aaron yet. He is such a cutie and a chunk, he's 4 months and already in 6-9 month clothes! Unfortunatly he has started teething and he's been more cranky than usual. I felt so bad because it seemed like he was in alot of pain. He really enjoys sucking on anything he get his hands on or anything close to his mouth. His favorite teethers are his toes, though he needs a little help getting them to his mouth. I spent the week helping Katie take care of Aaron. A couple times I took him and made her go back to bed because teething has really thrown both of them off their sleeping schedules. I was a little limited as to what I was able to do since I can't feed him for her and he's pretty picky about who puts him down for a nap, but I tried my best. The week gave me a little glimpse into what its going to be like in less than three months when I have a baby of my own to take care of. But just seeing how much she loves him has really eased my nerves quite a bit.

I got home saturday night, and was extactic to see my husband, I missed him so much. Josef and I have never been apart more than five days! I don't know how my sister-in-law, Amy, has been able to be away from her husband for more than a year. But Preston is coming home hopefully in two weeks!!! Yea for Amy!!!!

Here are some pictures I took of my nephew. I wanted to take a picture with him just before I left for the airport saturday, but he was screaming because of his teeth, so I guess I will have to wait till Christmas for that.

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