Sunday, July 1, 2007

Pregnancy is Like a Rollercoaster

So its been a while since the last time I posted anything, mostly because I've been so sick. Its been like a rollercoaster. Some days, which seem to be growing fewer and farther apart, I feel ok and am able to get out of the house. Then other days I can't keep any food down. Yesterday I was sick aaaaalll day and I just got frusterated and tired of throwing up, that I just broke down and had a long, hard cry. I have the most wonderful husband! All through my crying, he laid next to me and just rubbed my back and held me close. He also cooks for me and cleans our apartment. I'm so thankful that I married such an understanding and patient person! Well I'm getting hungry yet again!!! ugh. So I better listen to my stomach before I throw up!

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