Saturday, July 14, 2007

Adventures at the Emergency Room....

So the past couple days have been....eventful, I guess. Starting Thursday afternoon and continuing on for nearly 24 hours I was reeeeeaaally sick. I couldn't keep anything down including water. So around 2 pm yesterday afternoon, I called my OBGYN to tell her that I hadn't been able to keep anything down for nearly 24hours. (I read some where that when your pregnant, if you are unable to keep liquids down for 24 hours, you need to call the Doc asap!) Well my doctor sounded pretty concerned so she told me to get my self to the Emergency room. Josef was at work still so, I called my friend Christine and she drove me. Thank you soooo much Christine you're the best!
Once I got to the hospital, luckily they weren't busy at all and they got me a room right away. It wasn't too big a deal, the nurse, who was really nice, started me an IV of Saline to rehydrate me and gave me some powerful meds for the nausea. Thank goodness for medication!! The worst part of the experience was trying to get comfortable in that hospital bed, also it was 68 degrees in the room and all I had to keep me warm was a sheet.
Luckily I was only there for a couple hours, and as soon as I got home I was able to eat. I was STARVING to say the least and dying of thrist. I have never been so glad to drink a glass of water, mmmmm!!

So I realize that there aren't any pictures on my blog, so my next blog will have plenty!!


Anonymous said...

That's pretty scary but I'm glad that everything turned out good in the long run.

Christi said...

Jenny, I'm so sorry to hear you were in the hospital. Believe me I underdtand how much that sucks! I totally get the whole not eating or drinking for a long amount of time too, I never knew how wonderful chicken broth could taste! I hope that this was it and the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful. Love ya babe, and good luck!