Friday, June 1, 2007

My first Blog

I've wanted to start my very own blog for a while and now I'm finally getting around to it. One of my visiting teachers was saying how she uses her blog as a journal. I thought that a blog could be another one of my attempts at keeping a journal. Though hopefully this attempt won't fail miserably like all the others have. This will also be a good way to keep all my friends and fam up on whats going on in my life.
So as many of you know I'm pregnant. Six weeks to be exact. Sunday was my first experience with "morning sickness". Though I wouldn't exactly call it morning sickness, cuz it lasted all day long! Luckily I haven't thrown up since then. But I'm hungry every two hours and feel nauseous everytime I"m hungry. My first OB-Gyn appointment is in a week and I'm really excited. They'll listen to my baby's heartbeat and I'll even get to have a sonogram for the first time. They said I can bring a video tape and they would record part of the sonogram for me. Cool huh? Though I'm not to sure what there's going to be that can acutally be seen. My baby is the size of a sesame seed. But just getting to see that there's lif in side of me will be amazing. I can't wait!

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