Friday, March 4, 2011

Counting My Blessings

Today has been a hard day for me. With my former due date in just one week, I've been feeling waves of grief that I haven't felt in several months. I knew this would likely happen and so I've been dreading March. I really wish I could just skip over this month. The past few months I have remained fairly unattached emotionally, but not anymore. I hate feeling this way, its so miserable. This is why I am counting my blessings one by one, to hopefully dispel my emotional clouds.

These are just a teensy-weensy portion of my blessings.
  1. My sweet Sofia; my own personal sun.
  2. Josef who is a better husband then I could have asked for.
  3. Having him by my side everyday; my support, love, and best friend.
  4. Our extended family and the fact that most of them are within a 45 minute drive or less
  5. My sister who, even though she lives many many hours away, has always been one of my best friends.
  6. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Plan of Salvation
  7. Financial stability in the form of Josef's job.
  8. Being debt free aside from our mortgage.
  9. Always having enough food to eat, clothes to wear, owning two cars, having a safe place to live
  10. Friends. Amazing selfless friends. Each one is a blessing. (yes I realize how corny that sounds)
  11. The Holy Temple
  12. Technology
  13. Being a pretty healthy person
  14. Sunshine and springtime
  15. The fact that Sofia is napping today
  16. Date night with my love tomorrow night.
  17. Good books that offer me an escape into another world......Any good book recommendations?
  18. Music, another escape and source of comfort.
  19. Living in America.


Sarah said...

Poor Jenny. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. You can make it through this.

Christi said...

I'm sorry Jenny. I love you. Your amazing. I love your list of blessings. What a great idea. I'm going to try and do that when I'm having a bad day.

A book I'm reading right now that I like is Matched by Ally Condie. I haven't finished yet, but I could barely put it sown last night.