Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentines Day

This year for Valentines Day Josef and I tried to put a little more creative effort into gift giving. As a result our presents and cards for each other were much more meaningful. Here are pictures of what we came up with.

I made Josef this accordion-style card that I saw in Martha Stewart Living. It is titled "6 things I love about you!". Each envelope has a card with a picture and one thing I love about him. I also gave him a small gift.

With Sofia's help we heart attacked the door that leads from the garage to our house. This was the first thing Josef saw when he came home from work Monday.

Josef made me a rose that he sculpted out of clay, painted, and baked in the oven. He also framed a recent picture of us along with a very sweet letter he wrote to me.

The Friday before Valentines we went to see Cirque Du Soliel's Ovo.
Unfortunately Sofia was very sick and as a result we were 30 minutes late, but it was still a wonderful show! When we got home afterward we found out that Sofia had thrown up all over her crib. Josef's dad was such a champ to watch Sicky Sofia for us so that we could go!

1 comment:

Amy said...

that is so cute! glad you guys got to do that for each other. I can't wait till I can do stuff with Preston like that too!