Thursday, April 7, 2011

Big Sister

Guess who is so excited to be a BIG sister in September?

I am 16 weeks along and feeling great. This pregnancy has been a wonderful blessing. I am amazed everyday that I don't feel sick and have so much energy. For the two of you who read my blog almost four years ago when I was pregnant with Sofia, you will remember that I was so sick I was bedridden for the the first 20 weeks. So the fact that I have only thrown-up twice is nothing short of a miracle.

We are over-the-moon excited and are feeling very optimistic and hopeful.


Eric and Amy said...

Oh Jenny! I'm so excited for you! That is fantastic news. And even better news that you are feeling so great. If you were that sick with Sophia, maybe this means this one is a boy? Can't wait to hear!!! Best of luck and congrats.

Jess said...

Yeah! We will keep your family in our prayers!

Sarah said...

Hip-hip-hooray! I'm sooooo sooooo excited for you! SOOOO SOOOO excited!

