Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tender Mercies

This week has been.....hard. There are times when I feel good and I know I can make it and everything will be just fine. Then there are other times when my heart aches and its hard to breath. Yesterday I went to the hospital for a minor surgical procedure that I hope will give us some closure, physical at least. Hopefully now the emotional healing will begin and life will start to get easier.

Despite all the heart ache, we have been humbled by the numerous tender mercies from the Lord that have been a part of this process. It is overwhelming to think about the amount of prayers being offered in our be half. We are so grateful for the many offers of service and help. I know that these people are working as instruments in Heavenly Fathers hand's and it is because of them that we are reminded that we have not been forsaken and that He is very much aware of and concerned for our family.

So thank you all for your love and support!

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