Sunday, September 13, 2009

Utah Trip: Part Three

Tuesday: This was our last full day in Utah, so we decided to have some fun. After Sofia's nap we headed off to Park City. What a gorgeous little town! Josef said it reminded him of Austria and Germany, and now I can see why he loves those countries so much. The bulk of our time we spent riding the alpine slides and coaster. It was!!!! The alpine coaster was my favorite. It's hard too describe, but if you've ever gone on the alpine slides, its the same concept just using a track instead of a slide. It weaves down the mountain side, in and out of the trees. So not only was it thrilling, it was a beautiful ride. Here are some pictures of Josef, my dad, and I going on the slides and on the ski lift. A huge thanks to my mom for entertaining Sofia while we had fun!

For dinner we headed to the historic downtown part of Park City. We found a little pizzeria and attempted to have a nice relaxing dinner, but Sofia was not having it. My mom, Josef, and I each took turns walking down Main Street with her while the rest of us shoveled our food in. I wish we could have spent more time looking in all the cute shops in downtown. Josef and I are already discussing a special trip devoted to Park City since there's so much to do and see.

This picture cracks me up simply because it is so "Josef".

Wednesday: We flew home. Thankfully I was able to get Sofia to take a nap in the morning, which meant that she wasn't nearly as tired as the flight there. Plus, Josef and I were a little bit more experience flying with a toddler so we were able to keep her more entertained this time. Also a BIG thanks to my Aunt for giving us a sheet of stickers for Sofia to play with on the plane home. They were a life saver the last 20 minutes. I would peel stickers off and stick them on Sofia's nose, arm, leg, forehead, and it took her a while to get them off. Then she would put them on a sheet of paper or on mommy and daddy. This has also become Sacrament Meeting entertainment too.

We are so thankful that we were able to go on this vacation, as short as it was. Sofia did remarkably well especially with sleeping. I was so worried about that part, but she slept better then she does at home! Josef told me that this was probably one of the best vacations he's ever been on and I would have to agree!!

1 comment:

Laura Garner said...

Hahahaha! That picture cracks me up too!! That's hilarious!!!