Sunday, July 19, 2009

Life This Week

I haven't really been feeling much like blogging the past week. Life has been tense and stressful and when I have free time, I just want to veg. So here is what life has been like this week.

  • Sofia has officially gone from 2 naps to 1. I miss my two daily breaks. She's doing ok, I just try to get out of the house and do something active before her nap.
  • She sleeps from 6:30pm (I know, early bedtime) to 6:30am.
  • Its the last two hours of the day that make me want to rip my hair out!
  • I think she's getting tooth #13 in which is probably contributing to the previous bullet point.
  • My car is on its last leg so we are trying to both sell it before it dies, and look for a new one.
  • We're debating on how much to spend. To stay in budget, pay cash, have no car payment, and get an older car (as in 2000-2004); or spend a little more, finance part of it, and get a newer car (2004-2007).
  • Sofia is almost 18 months old! Can you believe it?
  • We've started transitioning her to nursery at church. She did great today (her third time) and didn't need Daddy to stay with her. My baby's getting so big!
  • We went to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince last night. It was so good, but different from the book. I can't wait for the next one!
  • Too cheap to pay for a full price ticket (I even snuck in our own popcorn, candy, and bottled water), we went to a matinee and left Sofia with Grandma and Grandpa for the afternoon and evening. Here are a couple pictures my dad took while we were gone. She looks like such a big girl!

(That's her "cheese" face if you couldn't tell.)


Amy said...

that's cute, it looks like she's trying to do a scary face in the 2nd pic! lol.

Laura Garner said...

Haha! I love these photos! I love the cheesy face! She looks more like she's trying to fake cry! I miss seein her waddle around! We've missed hanging out with you guys :(