Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I looked out the window and what did I see.....

Nope not popcorn popping, this.....

I spent a good part of my day talking to the police, trying to get a hold of the post office, at the post office, and talking to our homeowners insurance company. Oh joy another expense!


Christina said...

That exact same thing happened to us about 2 1/2 years ago when Rees was a tiny baby. I was up with him doing a middle-of-the night feeding when all of the sudden I heard a loud crash. It scared me to death. But - because I was half asleep anyway - I dismissed it as some kids being noisy outside. Well, the next morning, I went outside and found my brick mailbox scattered all over the road. We found out later that our drunk neighbor had crashed into it with his car. What an idiot. I'm just so grateful that he didn't plow into the house and kill us all. The whole ordeal was a pain in the butt, let me tell you. I hope all turns out well with your mailbox. So sorry!

Scott Blog said...

Do you know what happened?!? I'm sorry you guys have to deal with that. I've come to a realization lately...There is always something to worry about every day. It may be small or big, but there's always something. You choose to stay happy or let it get you down. I know the feeling about having another expense when you can't really have another expense!