Saturday, May 16, 2009

Days 5, 6, & 7: Kitchen Pt. 2, Our Bathroom, & Our Bedroom

I've been slacking when it comes to keeping you up to date on my spring cleaning, but here is the catch up. I'm going to make this short because Josef and I are about to start Australia (the movie).

Day 5 (kitchen part 2) I focused on the "junk" area of our kitchen which was a complete disaster area and is a little bit better. Our kitchen needs so much organization work, its overwhelming. So here it the before picture of the cabinet. Which is actually my craft/recipe area.

Here is the after. I need to get a bunch of boxes and baskets to organize everything so this isn't the finished project. Once I get this stuff neat then more things will probably wind up in there too, but atleast it will be organized!

Day 6 I worked on our bathroom and mostly paid attention to the cleaning that doesn't get done often enough or thoroughly enough. I only have one before and after for you. This is the top bar of our glass shower enclosure. I think I'm pretty daring to show you how gross it was before:

and after...

Day 7 (Friday) was probably my least productive day, but hey atleast I got something done right? What can I say I had Friday Fever! Here's a "little" dust bunny I found while swiffering our bedroom floor (I really dislike having hardwoods in our bedroom).

Well now I'm off to watch a movie with my hubby and munch on Cheddar Bacon popcorn from Love Peace Popcorn!


Scott Blog said...

Friday, I cleaned all day to get ready for the realtors! It's hard work, but don't you feel good after you do it? We tried to watch Australia, but stopped after the first 20 minutes. It was too boring! Does it get better?

AudreyEricksen said...

Ha! I loved the dust bunny! Yeah, you are brave to be posting the 'before' pictures!