Friday, May 8, 2009

Day Two: Living Room Part 1

Wow, what a day! I feel like I hardly accomplished anything. I don't have any before and after pics because I don't know how to photograph a dirty window or dusty furniture. I tried my best to get things done and I did get some done, but Sofia didn't give me a moments peace. The only time she wasn't crying and whining at my legs was when we were outside, she was playing at Carly's, she was asleep, or I was playing with her. I haven't been that glad to put her to bed in a LONG time. I was able to dust and polish everything in the living room, vacuum out the window sills (it was gross), and Josef washed the outside out the windows (thank you sweetheart!) This morning I was able to cross off a few of yesterdays things as well.

After a long day, I got to work on a Mother's Day project at my friend Audrey's house. It was fun to unwind and have friends listen to me complain:) This weekend I will blog about my cute little project (if it turns out cute).

On the Agenda for Day Three:
  • Organize
  • Organize
  • Organize
  • Oh and a little shopping at Ikea!
Be on the look out for my Mother's day weekend post. It's going to be a great weekend, I can't wait!!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

have fun doing your project! We are just gonna do cards I think like we also do. Nothing too special I guess but a heartfelt note! Happy Mothers Day to you!