Monday, April 27, 2009

Role Models

The other day Sofia pulled an old yearbook of mine from the sixth grade off a book shelf. When I picked it up I flipped through the pages and felt a flow of memories come rushing. Before I put it back on the shelf I opened to the front cover where there were spaces for me to fill out fun facts about myself.

Favorite Sports Team: 49er's (We lived in the Bay Area if you're asking why.)
My Best Friend: Jenna Larsen
My Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Loisel
A famous person that I admire: Pamela Anderson

Yep. You read that last one right! Pamela Anderson was my role model. When I read that I just started laughing. Then throughout the day I started wondering what in the world possessed my 11 year old self to right such a thing. I guess Bay Watch was one of my favorite shows at the time. But I don't think it takes a degree in psychology to figure out a more "apparent" reason why I admired Pam Anderson at a time when I was short, skinny and wouldn't hit puberty till high school.

From there my thoughts wandered to 10 or 11 years from now. What kind of person will Sofia look up to? And how much influence will famous people have over her self image? These thoughts worry me a little, but they also make me grateful for the gospel and that I'm able to teach her who she is and why she is of such divine worth. When I was young I had major body image issues and at times had horrible self-esteem, but I have never wavered in the knowledge that I am a daughter of a loving Heavenly Father.

Even though I have long since left puberty behind me and resolved my body image problems I am thankful for this humorous reminder of who I really am!


Paige and Family said...

lol...Pam Anderson!

Amy said...

that is hilarious! well glad you you grew out of that admiration! lol.

Abby said...

LOL..gud one!!