Wednesday, February 25, 2009

V-Day (Valentines that is...)

I realize that its been almost two weeks since Valentines day, but alas I've been feeling lazy! So now I'm finally getting around to it. The week leading up to Valentines consisted of more notes, goodies, little presents, emails, and surprises. It was really good for us to get out of our lazy comfort zone and make more of an effort to express our love for each other in different ways. The day before Valentine's Day (Friday) was when Josef and I celebrated because that's when we were able to get a baby sitter. Before Josef got home for work Friday, Sofia and I "heart attacked" the door leading from the garage to our house. Sofia didn't really help (she's only one), she actaully made things more difficult. She kept trying to crawl into the garage while I was taping the hearts to the door. So finally I stopped trying to keep her in the house and just let her in the garage I thought I could just change her clothes and wash her hands when I was done....Bad decision. Leave it to Sofia to find the muddy garden tools and stuff a mud pie in her mouth! It was actually pretty funny, but dang it mud is hard to get out of a baby's mouth! I ended up using her tooth brush to get her mouth clean. :)

Here's the finished product.

Later that night we went out to eat at La Hacienda Ranch. The restaurant has a really laid back "country" atmosphere and you leave smelling like a campfire, but the food is great and we had a fun time.
(I really don't like this picture of me but its the only one we have)

It was a good thing we celebrated on Friday instead of Saturday because once Valentines night rolled around we were both feeling congested and all around yucky. Luckily, we were able to get out Saturday and buy our Valentines gift to each other.....

So long 19" Tube we don't miss you!!


Scott Blog said...

Now you have a real TV :) Kids have a way of finding things don't they?!? We haven't done the mud mess yet and hopefully not any time soon!

Amy said...

Wow that is a freakin awesome tv! I have to laugh at Sofia, I bet she was in total shock. Too bad you didn't get any pics! Glad you guys had fun. I think everyone I know celebrated on was the thing to do this year!

Jess said...

Why don't you like that picture? I think it's cute. You guys look so happy. Glad you had fun. That is pretty funny about the mud. Jackson hasn't eaten mud yet, but he loves leaves, sticks, and dirt:)