Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lunch Date

Last Friday Sofia and I met Josef at TGIFriday's for lunch. I'm so glad Josef works so close (10 min. or less) so that we can do fun things like this. Believe it or not this was only Sofia's second time being in a sit down restaurant! Usually we opt for places where you pay up front so we can make a quick get away if needed. Sofia did ok, but by the time our food arrived she was ready to go. Luckily she's a big fan of fries which kept her occupied while we shoveled our food down. Any tips on keeping young children happy at restaurants?


AudreyEricksen said...

Sometimes at sit-down restaurants it might be helpful to not put her in the highchair until you get your food. A lot of times Hallie will get bored and create a scene before our food comes!

Amy said...

That is a cute picture. Sorry I have no experience with this yet but as you learn I'll be happy to steal all your tricks!

Christi said...

Practice makes perfect. Just keep trying, the more you do it the better she'll get.
-And there have been plenty of times when the girls were younger that Ryan was outside in the parking lot walking around with the girls when the wait got to long (especially if there's a wait to be seated too!)
Also my kids love to play and eat the ice in our drinks. You usually get those pretty soon after being seated. We just use a spoon and pull one or two out at a time.
Good luck in the future!

The Christensen Family said...

Portable DVD player! We got one for Christmas and have only used it once at a resturaunt but it was SO nice. We jsut sat it on the table and she watched a movie while we visitied and waited for our food to come. It was pretty loud in the resturaunt so I don't think she could hear the movie but she did not care. I was kind of nervous about doing it but the funny thing was that I saw two other kids with their little DVD players watching movies too! It's a life saver when you want an enjoyable evening out.