Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2 Weeks Later.....

....and I'm finally getting around to posting about Sofia's First Birthday. One of my number one flaws is procrastination. I am the QUEEN of procrastination! Anywho, on the last day of January Sofia turned one! Let me just jump on the band wagon in saying, along with all other moms, that I cannot believe how quickly time flew by this year. Okay change that, I can't believe how quickly these last six months have gone by. The first six months of Sofia's life were probably the hardest six months I have ever experienced, but I won't go in to depth about why. Suffice it to say that I have become a much stronger person just by finding joy in life's sorrows and struggles. While this year has been immensely hard, I have never been more blessed. My greatest joy in life is being Sofia's mother. I always wanted to be a mom and I knew I would love my children, but I never knew how much I would love. How much I could love!

On Sofia's birthday we had all our family that live in the area over for party. I think its interesting that the past three times we've had people over to our house for a get-together everything went wrong and just before people showed up I swore off entertaining for good! But even though things didn't go as planned I ended up having a great time. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I always put things off until the last minute....hmmm.....something to think about :)

For the party I made cupcakes from a recipe that I found at Picky Palate (scroll down a little to the first cupcake recipe). They were so good or atleast I thought they were. Sofia liked her cupcake at first, but as with most food she got bored with it. (And yes that is as messy as she got.)

Get Ready...

Get Set....


What the heck is this?

If you want to see the rest of her birthday pictures click here.


Carly said...

I love the way she is looking at that cupcake! Hilarious. It's not going to be long before she has the opposite reaction when a cupcake is placed in front of her! Glad she had a fun birthday--it's fun to see all the pictures! I am so glad that Zachary and Sofia have become such great buds!

Amy said...

That face is awesome! :-) Maybe she won't be into sweets as much as Josef is!