Tuesday, August 26, 2008

She Did It!!

Sofia slept through the night last night for the first time in nearly four months! Yea!! She slept from 7:30pm to 6:00am. Of course I didn't sleep very well because my well trained body kept waking up wondering why on earth she was still asleep! And of course I had to go check on her to make sure she was still alive. All in all I am pretty happy. I just hope this becomes a regular occurrence, but we shall see.

Here are some other milestones that Sofia is working on:
  • She's sitting pretty steadily on her own now.
  • She's a little chatter box. Her new favorite word is "mama"!! (I'm still working on video proof.) I don't think she completely understands what she's saying, but I never get tired of hearing her call my name!
  • Over the weekend she discovered how to pull up on to her hands and knees and rock back and forth. It's so cute because she's so petite. Pretty soon we will be scrambling to baby proof our house!


Amy said...

yay for sleeping thru the night! hopefully you can get used to it and get some much needed rest!

Scott Blog said...

That's great!!! The first time Ayden slept through the night, I shot up so fast at 6am worried that should would be starving :) Your so lucky she says mama!

Amy said...

super saturday is with the relief society and you do different crafts. Some usually have to do with Christmas and that sort of thing.