Saturday, August 9, 2008

Little Known Facts About Jenny

- I hate to clean! I have changed leaps and bounds since Josef and I got married. I have strong tendencies towards slobyness. Lets just say when I lived at home the carpet in my room was very clean because it had a constant protective layer of clothes and other junk.

-When I got married that was the first time I had ever lived away from home. I never did the whole going away to college thing. I played it cheap (since I had to pay for school) and stayed at home. I saved a lot of money with free rent and free food!

-I haven't graduated from college yet. I changed majors so I have A LOT of useless credits in music.

-I'm a shop-a-holic! Actually this has changed a bit since I had Sofia. But when I was single I got a second job at my favorite clothing store for the amazing discount. After almost every shift I came home with something new.

-I was born in Salt Lake City and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area (Fremont to be exact). My family moved to Texas the summer before my senior year of high school.

-I love all things chocolate... 'nough said!

-I have never played an organized sport in my life. I was always picked last in school :(

-I have never been out of the country. However Josef and I are planning a trip to Germany and a few other countries for next summer to visit his family. Any tips on international travel with a toddler??

-When I was two or three I named all my baby dolls Jelly; not quite sure why....I was a strange child.

-My fifth year of girls camp I got e-coli, was hospitalized for three days, and lost 10 pounds. Note to self: never drink water from a stream even if your leaders tell you its clean!

-Until I was eleven or so I had an irrational fear of loud noises: i.e. fireworks, cannons, balloons popping, cymbals, cars backfiring, gunfire, etc. Thank goodness I got over that it was a fairly paralyzing fear and not to mention embarrassing!

-I have a really bad habit of comparing myself to others. I try not too, because it makes me so unhappy, but Satan really seems so know the best moments to pop those thoughts and feelings of inadequacy in my head.


Amy said...

Wow I have learned something about you I didn't know before! :-) I think we all have those thoughts of inadequacies. I would never have guessed you were a slob, I knew you were a shopaholic...duh you always have cute stuff to wear! I have no idea about traveling with a toddler, I'm guessing its not going to be too fun if she's fussy- maybe leave her home with the GP's. I'm hoping we get stationed in Germany so we'll be there! :-)

Scott Blog said...

I look forward to reading all these little known facts! what a great idea! I'm with you on cleaning. I'm weird because I do get in those moods where I just want to clean everything. I get tired of looking at the mess! As for traveling with a toddler, I think it can go both ways. I've heard people say their kids did great and others not so good. When we drove 5 hours to Silsbee, Ayden was good until the last few hours when she decided to just cry the whole time. She was tired of sitting in the car seat. Now that she's walking, she has even less tolerance for sitting still. I know with her, I would be walking up and down the aisles the whole trip!