Friday, August 1, 2008

6 Months Old!

Yesterday Sofia turned six months old! I can't believe it, time has flown by and at times has felt like it was dragging on and on. Sofia is such a joy. She is so content the majority of the time and almost never cries except when she's tired. I feel so blessed to have such a good natured patient baby. I think one of my favorite things about her is her love to snuggle; she's my little cuddle bug. So yesterday I took some pictures of her and as I was looking at them I was struck by how much she has changed. Here are some pictures of my beautiful little girl.

She's learning to sit up, but she is still not very stable.

I can't wait till her little Dairy Queen curl is long enough to put a bow in!

I think she was trying to tell me she was done!


Scott Blog said...

Yeah Sofia! Hitting the big 06! I'm sure she will appreciate those topless photos when she's older! We all have embarrassing pictures like that!

Amy said...

She looks so big! Yay for her gaining weight! I love the little curl it is so cute.

Jenny said...

Hopefully these are the only topless pictures she will take!

Jillaine said...

she really is so cute! pray for the Lucas' down here that we will one day have a girl!!