Friday, July 25, 2008

Personal Question

Ok, I have a personal question for all my Mommy friends, so the rest of you can just skip reading this post unless you're curious. Here it is: What can I do to make my milk dry up? I've officially stopped nursing. Its been over 24 hours since the last time I nursed her and I am in PAIN!!! Do cabbage leaves really do anything and if so how do I use them. Any advice would be much appreciated. I know most of you have gone through this. Thanks in advance!!!


Scott Blog said...

You need to get that milk out or you'll get engorged which is not fun! It happened to me and it took weeks to go away. I would feed Ayden and then nurse for as long as she would want. I know that you are suppose to cut out one feeding at a time for at least four days. I think if you're in pain then you should probably keep nursing for a few minutes. When I stopped there was no pain. I don't think that's normal.

The Christensen Family said...

It was a little painful when I stopped nursing. Sometimes taking a hot shower helps... I think it will just get a little engorged and be painful for a couple of days but it should go down after a few days and start to feel better. Your body just needs to go through the process of realizing it does not have to produce milk anymore. It will get there. Good Luck!

Dani said...

Cabbage leaves do work, I had to do that. it's weird but it works. The best thing to do though is wrap an ace bandage you really tight, it will dry up in a matter of days.

Bobvila said...

I just nursed and/or pumped for a minute or so until the extreme pressure went down so I could feel a little more comfortable and prevent infection from being engorged. I did that every other day then every three days for about two weeks until my body figured it out. It is much less painful and happier that way than cutting it out cold turkey.