Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gaining Weight: Part Deux

Sofia had a weight check with her pediatrician yesterday and she has gained 12 ounces in the last 2 weeks!! This is the quickest she has EVER gained weight. I'm hoping that by the time she is six months (in 8 days) she will be close to being back on track with her weight gain. I've almost completely stopped nursing. I still nurse her 2-3 times in a 24 hour period; usually before bed and in the middle of the night. Once I get her taking a certain amount of formula during the day then I will stop. I'm so excited to be able to eat what I want without having to worry about how it will affect Sofia. Once I stop I'm going to have a milk appreciation day and binge on all things dairy, as I've been on a dairy free diet since she was 3 weeks old! I can't wait!!!


Amy said...

That sounds like an excellant idea! I would love to help you celebrate! :-)

The Christensen Family said...

That is so great! I am glad to hear she is gaining weight better now. I am also happy that you can eat what you want, that is going to be nice! We miss you guys... :(

Scott Blog said...

I never realized how much dairy food I ate until I had to stop for nursing too. I don't like having to refuse good food :) It is a great feeling when you don't have to do that anymore! Yeah for Sofia!