Monday, June 2, 2008

Life's Hard, Get a Helmet!

Life has been really hard the past month. Nursing Sofia has just become so very difficult, frustrating, time consuming, and at times down right miserable (for me anyways). She has a very sensitive digestive system, so any discomfort she experiences she has learned to associate with eating. This results in her refusal to eat. So how do I get my child to eat you may ask? Well for the past month or so (I can't remember how long its been this way), when its time for her to eat she just cries and fusses, so I have to give her her pacifier, rock her to sleep, pop the pacifier out, try and wake her up (but not too much because if she wakes up completely she will cry because she realizes what I'm doing and then I have to start it all over again), get her latched on and try and feed her as much as possible before she's too sleepy to eat at all. Sometimes when she's really hungry she will eat fully awake for a few minutes, but not for long. If she's especially uncomfortable or not very tired it will take an hour or more from start to finish or she will just refuse to eat anything at all for several hours. I spend many hours (or so it seems) every day trying to get her to eat. Needless to say I feel a sense of dread come over me when ever its time for her to eat. She does have some days that aren't so hard but I haven't had an easy day of feeding her in a VERY long time.

Most nights consist of me crying to Josef about how hard it is and how I don't want to do it anymore or can't do it anymore and I just want to give up all together. Then I read my scriptures and say my prayers and some how find enough strength to keep going for one more day. I just take it one day at a time and count down the hours until Josef comes home.

In other news, Sofia is four months old and slowly, but steadily gaining weight. She's in the 10th percentile for weight and the 50th for length. Josef says that she just has a models' body (long and skinny). She loves making noise and screeches at me any time she wants something.

We close on our house in two weeks! I can't wait. I've been fantasizing about how I'm going to decorate it. It will be nice to have some sort of creative outlet.

Here are some pictures of our beautiful little girl for your enjoyment.


Scott Blog said...

I had a hard time with nursing Ayden too! She would be fine at first and then it seemed all of a sudden she would scream and not want to eat. I really think if you talked to Wendy and she watched you she could figure out what's wrong! She is one of the best nurses! Especially better then the ones at the hospital. I followed her advice (sometimes later on because I didn't agree with it.)and nursing became a joy and something that I was sad to stop doing. And there's nothing wrong with going to formula! It's worth it if you are so unhappy.
Let me know if I can help! Sofia is so cute!

Amy said...

Jenny, I love the pictures of Sofia! I wish that maybe you two could come down next week when we have the Lucas, Scott and Kolan girls week out together! Preston will be gone so they are coming to keep me company. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear you're still have a hard time. Hopefully it will get better soon. Love you!