Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was an all weekend event. Friday was a challenging end to a challenging week, so I emailed Josef at work and told him that we needed to go out to eat for dinner and celebrate Mother's Day. We haven't attempted the whole formal restaurant experience with Sofia. Instead we went to Sweet Tomatoes which is like Souper Salad, but a million times tastier and with 10 times the selection. It was really yummy and it felt good to get out of the house and feel more like a normal person.

Saturday we went to a baptism for one of my Young Women Alex, and then we went to spend the rest of the day with Josef's family. We celebrated our niece Ayden's First Birthday and Mother's Day. It was really nice to spend so much time with them and Sofia was so good with all the noise and different surroundings. We all pitched in (the check is in the mail Sarah) and brought Josef's Mom into the 21st Century with a digital camera. She was so surprised; she totally deserves it though.

Sunday morning Josef made me breakfast and then we went to church. There were sooooo many people there because of the two baby blessings. I taught Young Women's (for those of you who don't know, I'm the secretary) and it went really well. The spirit was very strong and I tried my hardest not to get emotional. Its funny how the week before I'm supposed to teach a lesson about motherhood is one of the most challenging I've had so far as a mother. I don't think it was a coincidence because my experience from the week made the lesson that much more meaningful. Heavenly Father seems to really know the most effective ways to teach me the lessons I need to learn. That night we went over to my parents house and had a very yummy meal. After dinner Sofia gave me her gift...She rolled over for the first time! I put her on her tummy in the middle of the floor and within five seconds she rolled over. It happened so quickly I wish I could have savored the moment more. It's cool that the day she decides to roll over is Mother's Day and in front a bunch of family. Today I wanted to see if it was just a fluke so I put her on her tummy again and she proceeded to roll over three more times! I am such a proud Momma. Tomorrow I will try and get some footage of her preforming her feat.

All in all it was a wonderful first Mother's Day weekend. Josef and I are trying to conserve money to put into our new house so I told him not to get me anything, but he did get me a card with a very sweet note inside that made me cry. I love being a mother, even though some days I question my ability.


Scott Blog said...

Yeah for Sofia! She's such a cute little girl. I really noticed a difference in her this time compared to the last time I saw her. She did really good in a new surrounding! We had a lot of fun having everyone at our house!

Amy said...

Ahh jenny I am happy you had a great mother's day, and good job to Sofia for giving you a great gift! She is so cute, I can't wait to see the footage!