Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bring The Rain

I was blog hopping as I do from time to time when I'm bored and I came across a blog that is absolutely inspiring! I encourage everyone to follow this link and read about his amazing woman and her sweet baby girl's story. It might take some time, so for those of you who might be crunched for time I will give you a quick synopsis. Angie, a mother of four beautiful girls, found out at her 20 wk sonogram when she was pregnant with her fourth, that the little girl, Audrey, had numerous defects that would result in her dying shortly after her birth. This blog is Audrey's story and how she affected her family's lives from the womb and in her short life on earth. This mother's faith in Heavenly Father's plan for each of us astounds me! Her faith in Christ's ability to heal us from our sorrows and pains strengthens me to keep going. As I read her blog I looked down at a sleeping Sofia in my lap and remembered all those nights when I was pregnant that I laid awake crying and pleading with Heavenly Father to not let anything happen to the little life inside of me. I am so grateful to have my little girl here with me, happy and healthy. I have such a desire to share the gospel with this sweet Christian woman. How much more peace she would have if she knew that she could have her family forever and be able to raise her little Audrey in the next life.

Everyone should at least visit her blog and watch the slide show in the post entitled "Slideshow". Make sure you keep some tissues handy!!

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