Thursday, April 3, 2008

Two Months Old and Other News

Sofia turned two months on Monday!! I can't believe my little girl is nine weeks old. She changes everyday. She's getting fatter and longer. We finally got to retire some of her newborn clothes. When I was pregnant everyone told me that she would only be in newborn clothes for a couple weeks, but with her weight gain problems she has been in newborn clothes for two months! I was very excited to put her in 3 month clothes because they are so much cuter. She had her two month check-up on Friday and she weighed in at 9 pounds 4 ounces which puts her in the 10th percentile for her weight. However, I weighed her yesterday (see post titled "Look What I Caught") and she weighed 9 pounds 10 ounces which means she's gaining a little over an ounce a day. This is spectacular new to me! Her reflux is getting so much better, but she still has relapses occasionally so I took her to see a pediatric gastrointestinal doctor yesterday. He has upped her dosage of prevacid and put her on a new medication to help her stomach fluids stay down.

She's constantly changing and seems to learn new things all the time now. She loves to talk and use different noises. She especially loves it when we talk to her and she talks back to us. The morning time is usually when she's her happiest. She usually wakes up and just starts smiling. Her happiness in the morning makes it easier to drag my tired body out of bed. Here's a video of her talking to me.

Easter sunday we went to sacrament meeting and attempted to stay for the other two hours, but Sofia didn't want to nurse in the mothers room so we had to go home. This past Sunday we attempted it again and we had success!! I was so happy to finally stay for more then just one hour of church, even though I spent Sunday School in the mothers room. Here's a picture of Sofia from Sunday. Josef dressed her for church while got ready. He did a pretty good job, however we didn't have any socks clean except for these soccer-type socks that are way to big and came up past her knees.

Daddy Dressed Me for Church

Yesterday I got together with a few friends from high school and their kids. Its hard to believe that its almost been six years since I graduated. And now we are all grown up, married, and having kids of our own; Christi is already on her third!!

So a couple weeks ago I started working out. I walk three or four times a week at Arbor Hills Park and do some strength training two days. I've actually found that I have a lot more energy when I work out even if I only get three hours of sleep. I've made a few adjustments to my diet, but not a whole lot because it's important to get calories when you are breastfeeding. Now I just eat more vegys and fruit, and I don't eat as much junk food. I've had to cut out all dairy products from my diet because Sofia gets fussy when I eat any. This is a major bummer because so many things have milk in it. I can't even have anything with butter or margarine in it. But its a price I am willing to pay for a happy baby.

Last week I discovered that I can finally zip up a couple pairs of my pre-pregnancy jeans. I am very excited about this because two weeks after I had her I couldn't even pull them up all the way. I still have 8 or so pounds to go until I'm back down to my normal weight, but I'm hoping to get there in time for the summer.


Dani said...

I wish I had your desire to work out!

Amy said...

I'm happy to hear she's gained a few pounds. She looks so pretty in her dress even with the funny socks! Hopefully we'll be adding to the baby collection soon! By tuesday I should know, yay!