Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Sofia Update and a Bit of a Scare

I'm doing fairly well. Sofia is a pretty good natured baby, though she has her fussy moments. She is a very patient baby, which I really appreciate! She smiles a lot when she's falling asleep, but this morning she smiled with her eyes wide open. She is such a beautiful little girl! She is a really good sleeper especially at night. This is such a blessing to me, however I need to get used to all the little noises she makes while she sleeps. Josef's lucky enough to sleep through them all. I'm counting down the days when she can go longer then a few hours between feedings and I can let her sleep through the night if she wants to. But I think I still have a few more weeks before that's possible.

My mom stayed with us all last week and then went home this week. While she was here Sofia slept out in the living room with my mom and then when Sofia woke up or it was time for her to eat my mom came and got me. I was able to get some really good sleep while she was here. Yesterday was my first day all by myself and it went just fine. I was able to get in a couple short naps. But Josef had to stay late at work and at that point I was pretty stressed, tired, and overwhelmed. Late last night just before going to bed I went to the bathroom and noticed that I was bleeding extremely heavily. I soaked three pads in a matter of 30 or 40 minutes. It just kept gushing out. So I made a call to my doctor and she called in an emergency prescription for me that helped to slow the bleeding. It was pretty scary! Luckily it is working otherwise I would have had to go to the emergency room. I made Josef stay home from work today so that I could recover from the blood loss. I feel like my recovery from childbirth was taken a step backwards now. Hopefully my mom will be able to come and help me out tomorrow because my pain has increased quite a bit and I don't want to over exert myself again. A word of advice to those of you who haven't had children yet, when you give birth don't do too much too fast. Its important to take it easy for a while afterwards. Unfortunately I learned this the hard way.

Here are some pictures of my sweet little Sofia.


Ryan, Marissa , Zoe and Cora said...

She is so cute:) Glad you are doing okay now...

Amy said...

Wow Jenny that is so scary, I am glad you are doing better. Her pictures are so cute, I can totally see Josef in her from his baby pictures...I haven't really seen yours but I'm sure that she looks like you too obviously! I can't wait/and hope to see her in 2 weekends when we come up there!