Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sofia Elizabeth

Sofia Elizabeth was born Thursday morning at 11:15 am, she weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces and measures 19 inches long.Labor went really well, it wasn't as hard as i thought it would be. We came home yesterday and last night was really hard. I'm feeling better but still in some pain from all the stitches. I will write more later, I just wanted to post some pictures for everyone to see how beautiful my little girl is! When she was born she was so swollen. She looked like she had Angelina Joli's lips. But the swelling has gone down and her lips aren't quiet as big anymore. The last picture is of her in the outfit we took her home in. Can you see how much hair she has?


Anonymous said...

Ahhh she is gorgeous! Congratulations. Ya'll look so cute and happy.

Mandy Sue said...

Congratulations! She is adorable!

Christi said...

She is SOO beautiful! You'r a mommy! How crazy is that. I can't wait to meet her. I'm glad to hear your doing well!
-Sleep WHENEVER possible! I so wish I would have slept more when Kaitlyn was a newborn.
She's so beautiful and you look so happy!
Congratulations Mom!

Ryan, Marissa , Zoe and Cora said...

How awesome!!! Congratulations, she is beautiful! :)

Julia and Cody said...

She is absolutely beautifull!! Yes I can see her beautiful hair!! :> You look great and Josef looks so proud and happy too! I'm glad things went well for you. I hope the rest of the recovery goes well also. Congratulations!! :>

Bethany and Huey said...

What a beautiful baby! Congratulations!!!!