Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Josef and I had a really nice Christmas. Christmas Eve and Christmas morning we spent with my family. It has been so much fun having Katie, Travvis, and Aaron in town (my sister, her husband, and their son)!! Christmas Eve we had a big dinner and then we stayed up late playing games. Josef and I decided to save ourselves the half hour trip home and spent the night at my parents. I was hoping that I would be able to sleep, but my back and hips hurt so bad (the air mattress and couch were not very comfortable) that I only got two hours of sleep! I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I think I'm going to ask her if there is anything I can take to help me sleep. Christmas morning Katie dressed Aaron up in a Santa suite, and he is hands down the cutest Santa ever. I didn't get a really good picture of him before he had a blowout. So here's what I was able to get, I'll post a better picture when I can get one from Katie.
The men of the family cooked a huge, yummy breakfast after we opened presents, so I was in heaven. The rest of Christmas day we spent with Josef's family. Preston (Amy's husband) came home this month after being deployed for over a year, so we were really excited to see him finally. With the Lucas's we spent the day eating, playing games, making gingerbread houses, and opening presents.

For Christmas Josef got a drill from his parents and I. He has been wanting tools and lots of them, so he was excited to get his first power tool. He says that he is officially a man now. And I thought becoming a father would make him a man, haha!

As of today I only have 5 weeks left of my pregnancy, hooray!! Here are some pictures we took by the Christmas tree. You can see how much I've grown, though a lot of people have been telling me that I don't look big for as far along as I am.
I've absolutely loved spending time with my nephew since he's been here. He has changed so much since I saw him last at the beginning of November. Here are some pictures of him. I can't wait for him to meet Sofia!!

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