Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pumpkin Carving

Tonight we had my parents over for Sunday dinner. It was the first that Josef and I have had anyone over for dinner. The reason for this is because we haven't had a table. However, we finally have a table now, one that we have put alot of time and effort into refinishing. It was my parent's old table, and we decided to refinish it. It turned out well, not quite as expected and things definetly didn't go as planned. But we are extatic to have a dining table now.

After dinner we carved pumpkins and suprisingly, this was only Josef's second pumpkin to carve, ever!!! That's so crazy to me, cuz in my family we each carved a pumkin every year. But Josef's Dad doesn't really like Halloween and his Mom is German (they don't celebrate Halloween in Germany), so I guess his family never carved pumkins. Here are some pictures from tonight.

That's me and my dad working on our pumpkins. Notice my shorter hair, I got it cut this week and I love it!

Josef working on our pumpkin.

Here are the pumkins! Josef and I did a ghost and my dad did Spongebob.

My mom bought wax lips so we could take a wierd family picture, a Knight family tradition.


Julia and Cody said...

Cute hair cut!! I love it! It looks really good on you!

Amy said...

I love your haircut! How cute! The wax lips....that is funny, and it looks a little creepy too! lol...see ya friday!

Christi said...

Have you read twilight by stephanie meyer? It's a vampire book that is awesome. I love the huge lips and vampire teeth. Your hair looks really cute, I like it a lot.