Saturday, September 15, 2007

Its a Girl!!

I had my 20 week sonogram on thursday and we found out that we are having a little girl. We are very excited, I was hoping for a girl. She was being really stuburn the whole time; she didn't want to wake up or move from her position. Sounds like she's already taking after her mom. It took a while to confirm the gender of the baby and get a good profile picture. After the appointment, Josef and I headed to the Gaylord Texan Resort for a couple days to celebrate our anniversary. We just got home this morning. I will write more about what a wonderful time we had when I dowload the pictures. Here's our daughter's first baby picture.


Julia and Cody said...

Yea!! that's so exciting!! Congratulations! Have you guys thought of any names yet?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Little girls are so much fun :)