Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'm Back

I took a long hiatus from blogging. I'm sure you noticed. It was just one of those things that I kept putting off and pushing to the back of my mind because I didn't want to deal with it. June and July have been full of mostly picture-less things. The main task on my daily list has been school. In June I started a College Algebra course at the community college and it is whirlwind. I still have 2 more weeks until it is over. Being pregnant, I feel like by brain is not functioning with the same efficiency that it normally does, so studying and homework have been crucial to my success so far.

Oh yeah, I'm pregnant! Did you forget? I haven't given much blog time to this pregnancy, which is a positive thing. That means I don't have a ton to complain about. I'm about 32 weeks and so very ready to be done. The back and hip pain and insomnia are my biggest complaints, but I go to the chiropractor (bless her) 1-2 times a week and my Dr (bless her too) prescribed me Ambien to help me sleep.

I've only bought four things for this boy so far: crib bedding, socks, binkies, and a pair of shoes. What is he going to wear? Most people would probably have a year supply of clothes by now. But not me. I'm a little slow. I'm just now trying to decorate Sofia's (at age 3.5) room. I just keep telling myself that it matters more how you parent a child not how their room looks. That makes me feel better about the empty walls.


Jess said...

Don't worry Jenny, I am right there with you sister!

Amy said...

I'm sure you'll do great in your class! Don't worry about baby clothes, that's what your shower is for :-) Oh yeah, I've gotta send something before it's too late! I wouldn't worry about having a bunch of clothes. I wish I didn't have so many for Am and Sadie. I think it brings out more laundry and I feel like we don't wear everything and it just sits until it is too small. I agree with your statement. Parenting is more important than their room...wish I would've heard that sooner. Good luck with the last two weeks of your class!