For years I have struggled to decide what I want to be when I grow up. Well, I am 26, am married, have a three year old with another child on the way, own a house, own a car, and yet it has taken me this long to figure it out. First it was occupational therapy, then elementary music education, then special education, but none of them felt like the right choice for me. I have finally made a career choice I am excited and passionate about. I can't wait to graduate and get started, though I will have to wait another few years until I'm done.
I have decided to become a dietitian. Ever since we put Sofia on a special wheat-free diet to combat her health problems, I have learned more and more about how important proper nutrition is and I want to help other families. This degree will require a lot of science and a lot of hard work, but I know its the right choice for me!
I am so impressed! You will be amazing and successful, no doubt. I'm fascinated with all the diet stuff I've learned as well so feel free to send on any cool new info you come across! I'm assuming with you going to Dr. Bain you know all about Juice Plus?
That is so awesome Jenny! I am also interested in getting my Masters in holistic health, though I can't start until we are debt free (except for the mortgage) haha. Might be a while. Good luck though, I am sure if you are passionate about it, you'll do great. It's amazing sometimes the directions our life takes us!
Biochemistry here you come! That's awesome- good for you. I can't imagine trying to be in school right now, but I'm sure you can handle it and will be great when you get done. One of my good friends is a dietician- let me know if you have questions, need advice or just someone who feels your pain :)
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