Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Sofia woke up way too early, screeching at me.

I fed us both breakfast (mine came back up) and turned a show on for her.

I hopped in the shower, dressed, threw some curling product in my hair, and slapped on some make-up.

With a few minutes remaining on Sofia's show I filled out my passport application and then got Sofia dressed.

We went to CVS to get my passport picture taken.

Then headed across the intersection to the post office to finish the passport application process.

After that was complete, I got in line to mail Josef's renewal application only to realize I wasn't quite sure how to do it and I didn't have the address.

The lady I spoke with was not helpful and very rude. We headed home so I could answer my questions online.

Stopped at Sonic to get Sofia (and myself) some lunch as a reward for not being completely difficult at the post office.

Went to Sam's club.

Came home, put Sofia down for a nap, and I rested long enough to realize how sick I was feeling.

Sofia woke up and I found my passport answers online.

We both ate a snack and then headed back for round two at the P.O.

I successfully mailed off Josef's passport renewal application.

Back at home, Sofia played while I concentrated on not throwing up.

Josef came home, we had dinner, got Sofia in bed, and I was finally able to rest.

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