Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Task at Hand

This is a picture of what greets me when I walk through the door from the garage. It just screams "FOLD ME!", but some how I've been able to ignore it for a couple weeks. However, I finally broke down and did it.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate to fold laundry.

(Note: This was only a fraction of the laundry that needed to be dealt with.)


Christi said...

I hate folding laundry too. I put it off until there's 7 or more loads to fold. One thing that has helped make it better is I watch a movie when I fold. It helps the tedious task go by much faster! Now if I could get the clothes to put themselves away!

Amy said...

i hate it too, but i do it because i hate having clean laundry in disarray. i like it to feel done. but i will leave piles of dirty clothes on the floor for days that are separated and need to be washed. just so i don't have to put it away when its done.