Sunday, June 6, 2010

First Pick of the Season

We attempted an above-ground garden this year and so far we've had much more success then last year. Which isn't very hard since most of our plants died last time. I will say though that we still have many things to learn about gardening, but with every new season will come more experience and hopefully even more success.

I love eating food that we've grown ourselves, its so satisfying! Last night I sauteed one giant zucchini in chicken broth, lemon juice, garlic, and salt and pepper. Tonight I threw some red skinned potatoes in the crock pot with our chicken dinner. Yum!
(From Left to Right we have zucchini, yellow squash, red skinned potatoes, and carrots)


Jess said...

Wow Jenny! That is an awesome garden. We were going to do one this year, but the baby kind of took the time I was going to put into that. Maybe next year! Your food looks yummy!

Amy said...

oh man that looks awesome! I really want to have a garden when I get back to having my own place. So I know where to go to get some tips!